~ The Gardener ~

Howdy! My name is Jessica Warren. I am the one in the dirt, barefoot, hoe in hand, with her hair in a braid. Yup. :)  And honestly, there's no place I'd rather be. Talking to my chickens and working in the garden is my idea of a great day. As John Denver says, "Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy", well, that's the truth for me too. Sunshine, fresh maters, colorful zinnias, crazy looking squash, and a bunch of talkative hens. Oh yes. Makes me smile.  :)

I began gardening when I was about fourteen. I am twenty years old now, and have learned so much since the year of that  first gardening endeavor.  I love to learn. I love to grow things. I love to get my hands dirty. I am passionate about green gardening and am looking forward to a future in sustainable agriculture.

                                                                                        I am a very blessed gal!